News February  8, 2025

Sunland Park Restricts Louisiana Horses

Sunland Park is now restricting horses from Louisiana following the EHV-1 outbreak at the Fair Grounds in New Orleans.

© Coady Photography

SUNLAND PARK, NM—JANUARY 17, 2017—Sunland Park Racetrack and Casino, working in conjunction with the New Mexico State Racing Commission, is now restricting horses from Louisiana following the EHV-1 outbreak at the Fair Grounds in New Orleans, Louisiana. No horses that have been in Louisiana for the last 30 days will be permitted on the grounds until further notice.

Sunland Park General Manager Rick Baugh said, “Of course, the physical welfare, safety and well-being of our horses is paramount.”

Oaklawn Park, Delta Downs and Sam Houston have begun similar restrictions.

Live racing at Sunland Park is conducted on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday basis through April 18.

Sunland Park Racetrack maintains a stringent list of bio-security protocols for every horse before allowed into the barn area. They are as follows:

A current health certificate issued within 72 hours prior to arrival (from place of origin) at the track which shows the vaccination record for each horse. The horse must have been vaccinated with an FDA approved modified live or killed virus vaccine for EHV-1 not less than 14 days and not more than 180 days prior to date of entry. The veterinarian must provide the date of vaccination, the brand serial number, and the expiration date of vaccine. The health certificate must also contain a statement by the issuing veterinarian that he/she has physically examined each horse within 72 hours of issuing the health certificate stating that the horse does not exhibit and clinical signs of the virus and the temperature of the horse was normal at the time of examination.

It is highly recommended that horsemen keep every horse admitted to or in the barn area of Sunland Park Racetrack on a current 90 day FDA approved EHV-1 vaccine or EHV-1 booster schedule.

Additionally, The New Mexico Racing Commission requires that all horses entering Sunland Park must have proof of:

  1. A negative annual Coggins Test.
  2. A negative piroplasmosis test completed within the last two years for Quarter Horses.
  3. An influenza vaccination within the last six months.
  4. A Rhinopneumonitis vaccination within the last six months.
  5. Eastern and Western Equine Encephalitis, Tetanus and West Nile vaccinations within the last 12 months.

For further information regarding New Mexico Racing Industry Contagious Disease Prevention, please call the Sunland Park Racing Office at (575) 874-5229.

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