News September  7, 2024


LQHBA member are requested to contact their representatives in support of Support HB 266.

March 27, 2018

Re: Support HB 266 by Representative Thibaut

House Bill 266 will be heard in the House Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice on Wednesday, March 28th @ 9:00 AM.

Please contact the committee members listed below by calling their offices and by emailing them.

Please support Representative Major Thibaut’s bill on fair revenue sharing for all small businesses in the horse industry.

Contact your legislators and committee members now! This bill will be heard in committee Wednesday morning early (Wednesday, March 28th @ 9:00 AM)!

Mack, Sherman Q., Chairman - Dist. 95

  • Pylant, Steve E. , Vice Chair - Dist. 20
  • Bacala, Tony, Member - Dist. 59
  • Bagneris, John H. , Member - Dist. 100
  • Carpenter, Barbara, Member - Dist. 63
  • Crews, Raymond J. , Member - Dist. 8
  • Dwight, Stephen , Member - Dist. 35
  • Gaines, Randal L. , Member - Dist. 57
  • Hazel, Lowell C. "Chris" , Member - Dist. 27
  • Hodges, Valarie, Member - Dist. 64
  • Howard, Frank A. , Member - Dist. 24
  • James, Edward C. "Ted", Member - Dist. 101
  • Landry, Terry, Member - Dist. 96
  • Marcelle, Denise, Member - Dist. 61
  • Marino, Joseph, Member - Dist. 85
  • Norton, Barbara M. , Member - Dist. 3
  • Stefanski, John M. , Member - Dist. 42
  • Barras, Taylor F. , Ex Officio - Dist. 48
  • Leger, Walt III , Ex Officio - Dist. 91

    Thank You


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