2019 LQHBA Louisiana Million Second Payment Due Today

Payment #2 of $150 must be postmarked by today and send to LQHBA at 105 Carlyon Lane, Alexandria, LA 71303. Person's may make credit card payments by contacting the LQHBA office at 318-487-9506. ALL credit card payments will incur an additional 3% fee.
Breeders who plan to sale their yearling(s) at the annual LQHBA Yearling Sale in August must have their horses nominated to this futurity and paid to date through the February 15, 2018 payment (or the late payment by May 15, 2018) to be eligible to consign.
CLICK HERE for a 2019 LQHBA Louisiana Million payment form.
For a current list of nominated horses to the 2019 LQHBA Louisiana Million CLICK HERE.
For additional information visit the association's website at lqhba.com or call 318-487-9506.